Bonjour!Le kit que je vous propose aujourd'hui etais déstiné à un de me ateliers au temple du scrap et que j'ai malheureusement du annuler.C'est un trés beau kit parfait pour un mini album trés feminin ou pour tout autre projet.Il comprend: cinq feuilles de papier recto verso , alphabet sticker orange à pois , une feuille comprenant 60 stickers , deux morceaux de tissus Liberty à fleurs et gris à pois blancs , une feuille de bazill blanc , un tag rose grand format , une carte Sassafras , une carte vintage , 4 brads sassafras, 3 ffeutrines Sassafras , boutons vintage ,et fil à broder rose.Le prix de ce kit:25 euros (FDP:5,5 euros ) .Pour commander allez directement sur PAYPAL ou envoyez moi un mail à cette adresse:leila.bentahar@free.fr
Beautiful flourish and grey polka dot liberty fabrics

superbes tissus en liberty fleuris et gris à petits pois blancs

Les embellissements

the tags and vintage card
Les tags et carte vintage

Examples using this kit
Exemple de ralisation utilisant ce kit

Et pour finir , vous allez pouvoir gagner ce superbe kit!!Comment?Copiez ce message sur votre blog puis laissez moi le lien ici pour que je verifie.Si vous n'avez pas de blog postez le sur vos forums préferés ou sur facebook.Bonne chance à toutes!A bientot:)
Wonderful kit! Love it!
Here's the link to the post on my blog:
hi there! i'm visiting your blog from Freckled Nest, and just my luck, landed on a giveaway of yours too!! your blog is so cute and i love this kit.
headed to facebook it! see my profile here: http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=705275108
hi there! i'm visiting your blog from Freckled Nest, and just my luck, landed on a giveaway of yours too!! your blog is so cute and i love this kit.
headed to facebook it! see my profile here: http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=705275108
You make such pretty things!! Beautiful!
Hello :) I found your blog from Freckled Nest & love what I see!
I absolutely love how bright and colourful your kits are!
Beautiful stuff
Ooh, delicious prize.
I blogged about it here: http://onescrappydoctor.blogspot.com/2010/05/bit-of-this-and-that-and-winner.html
bonsoir! just visiting from freckled nest.
j'aime que tu parles français!
i posted a link to your giveaway :)
Great giveaway!!
Here is the link:
Hola! Me encanta este kit, gracias por la oportunidad de ganarlo. Besitosss.
I've just linked to you on my blog.
Thanks for the chance to win.
Hugs from Spain!!
Your work is so whimsical and beautiful!!
oooohhhh!!!! questo kit è meraviglioso!!!!! incrocio le dita e spero proprio di essere la superfortunata!
The colors are fantastic. Beautiful.
beautiful prize!!!!
thanks for this chance...
here the post on my blog
Hi, I've just posted on my facebook's wall the link of your giveaway; you can check here: http://www.facebook.com/#!/j4ck86
Thanks in advance,
best regards,
email: j4ck86@hotmail.com
you are so creative, i love all the work you do. i just posted it on my facebook.
Oooooo I soooooo want this kit!!!!
I posted on my blog:
Hi Leila,
congrats for our masterpices and thanks for this wonderful giveway! I have posted here: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1569782879
Thank YOU for the chance
Just love this kit and here's my link
c'est super tentant ce blog candy car ces couleurs ce peps, vraiment, on se croirait en été, et déjà , on a envie de scrapper nos photos d'été ! merci lilibee
wow your blog is great, lots of inspiration! merci beaucoup! found you on freckled nest
Thanks for the lovely giveaway. I shared on my FB
Wonderful kit!!! I've posted it in Kits de Somni http://mireia.ning.com/forum/topics/otro-giveaway-de-lilibee
Thank you for the chance!
Hi Leila,
thanks for the opportunity to win this wonderful kit!!!
I've post it on my facefook profile.
What an amazing kit! Thanks so much for the chance to win it. I posted on my facebook page. Here's the link:
Wonderful kit Leila. Thx for the opportunity to win.
I've posted this message on the message board of my Facebook account.
hegles at inwind.it
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